OLLI at BCC Contact Information
Berkshire Community College
1350 West Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201 - 5786
(413) 236-2190
Fax. (413) 443-1797
Membership Application Form: Click here for a form that can be printed out, filled in, and mailed with an accompanying check.
Instructor Form: Note that Instructor Forms should be completed by the OLLI "Contact Person"
and sent via email to the OLLI office.
Click here to access the Instructor Form. It can be "saved" as an MS Word document file to the user's
computer, filled in, and attached to an e-mail message to OLLI@berkshirecc.edu. (Alternatively, It could be "opened", copy / pasted into the body of an email, filled in, and sent
to OLLI@berkshirecc.edu)
E-mail from OLLI: - There are two categories of e-mail distribution described below:
The "OLLI business Only" list receives e-mail which is directly related to OLLI, (e.g. class announcements, flyers
for OLLI Special Events and Distinguished Speaker lectures.
The "OLLI business plus partner event notices" list gets the OLLI business emails and also receives announcements
about upcoming concerts, art exhibits or lectures at our cultural and educational partners.
You can select the list you want to be on by contacting
OLLI at the address above.