Pittsfield Community TV (PCTV), Community
TV South Berkshire (CTSB-TV) and Williamstown Community
TV (WilliNet) in Williamstown are
currently making OLLI class videos available on TimeWarner Channel 17.
North Berkshire Community TV (NBCTC)
currently making OLLI class videos available on Channel 15.
Pittsfield Community TV (PCTV) is making the
videos that OLLI is recording available on their website www.PittsfieldTV.org. If you go here, click on the "What's on PCTV?" line for scheduling information on the OLLI videos.The broadcasts are available on TimeWarner Cable channel 17.

Clicking here or on the logo above will also take you to the daily schedule for their current programming.
To see the schedule for the dates and times for available OLLI broadcasts (refer to image below)
1.Select the "Search" selection in the top blue border.
2. Enter "OLLI' in the "Title Contains" space.
3. Click on "Submit Search"
The list of OLLI videos
will appear.
4. Clicking on a title will show you the date and time that they are being broadcast.
5. If the title has the word (view)
under it, it may be seen immediately in streaming video. Either click on "view" or click on the title and then on
"Watch Now".

TV South Berkshire (www.ctsbtv.org) - This link takes you directly to the CTSB-TV schedule for TimeWarner cable Channel 17.
Williamstown Community TV (www.willinet.org) - This link takes you directly to the WilliNet schedule for TimeWarner cable Channel
17. The procedure for accessing the OLLI broadcast schedule is the same as the one for PCTV.